The name Moka Latte is a perfect representation of our life and relationship as a couple. A blended mix of different cultures, races, musical tastes, and styles. Of family dynamics and history.
Our journey started in Omaha, Nebraska where we met. We dated for four months and got married. We have been married now for over 32 years. During this time we pastored a Foursquare church in Omaha, Nebraska, and then accepted a church assignment as senior pastors in Kansas City, Missouri. It was during this time we also became Divisional Supervisors. However, we continued to be musically involved, writing and recording songs, and doing public appearances and outreaches.
In 2005 we resigned and moved to the Seattle area and began a non-profit organization called Mercyhill. Seeing a need for helping couples in their relationships, a new project was developed entitled "A Night To Remember". This was a dinner/dance theatre-styled event designed for couples to enjoy a romantic evening. This was paired with our blog "Love's Culture" as a means of providing continued support and encouragement for those within our growing circle of members. This provided a way to stay in touch between events. It was during this time we developed our stage name "Moka Latte".
After almost 18 years in the Seattle area, we made the decision to move to Arizona where we reside today. Our site has been renamed "Moka Latte", and our blog has been renamed "Marriage4Today" to mark this new beginning.
We continue to use our love for music as a means of interjecting fun, love, hope, encouragement, entertainment, and more here in the Phoenix area.